About us

About Us:-ANNIC BESANT  COLLEGE OF EDUCATION is run by XXXXXXXXX  EDUCATION SOCIETY Established in the year 1999 . the present building is situated in education hub of  Ponnekal (Village),XXXX (Mandal),XXXXXX(Dist). It has the reputation for maintaining academic standards and values the college puts in Hard work with Honesty and with the sole aim of preparing competent teacher to meet the new challenges of the changing society

N.C.T.E Information (Regularity Body):-The national council for teacher education in its previous status since 1999, was an advisory body for the central and state government on all matters pertaining to education,with its secretariat in the department of teacher education of the national council of education research and training (NCERT).Despite its commendable work in the academic fields , it could not perform essential regulatory functions to ensure maintenance of standards in teach education and preventing proliferation of substandard teacher education institutions . The National policy on education (NPE), 1986 and the programme of action there under , envisaged a national council for teacher education with statuary status and necessary resources as a first step for overhauling the system of teacher education .The National council for teacher education .The National council for teacher education as a statutory body came into existence in pursuance of Act 1993(No.73 of 1993) on the 17th August,1995.
Objectives of N.C.T.E:- The main objectives  of  the NCTE is to achieve planned and coordinated developement of the teacher education system throughout the country,the regulation and proper maintenance of norms and standards in the teacher education system and for matters connected therewith.the mandate giver to the NCTE is very broad and covers,the whole gamut of teacher education programmes including research and training of persons for equipping them to become teachers at preprimary, Primary,secondary and senior secondary stages in schools , and non-formal education,part-time education , adult educational distance (correspondence ) education courses.
Organizational Structure:-NCTE  has its headquarters at New Delhi and four regional committees at Bangalore , Bhopal,Bhuvaneswar and jaipur to look after its statutory responsibilities . in order to enable the NCTE to perform the assigned functions including planned and coordinated development and initiating innovations in teacher education,the NCTE in Delhi as well as its four regional committees in teacher education ,the NCTE in Delhi as well as its four regional committees have nonadministrative and academic wings to deal respectively with finance , establishment and legal matters and with research,policy planning, monitoring , curriculum,invitational ,coordination, library and documentation and in service programmers,the NCTE head quarters is headed by the Chairperson ,while each Regional Committee is headed by a Regional Director.
The Council:-The National Council for Teacher Education ,Commonly knows as General Body of the N.C.T.E,is constituted by the government of india under section of the N.C.T.E Act. it is the high decision – making body of the N.C.T.E.it lays down policy,frames regulations and takes final decisions on various aspects of the mandate given to the N.C.T.E under the N.C.T.E Act.

N.C.T.E- HEADQUARTERS:- The N.C.T.E Headquarters is located at New Delhi.It is headed by the Chairperson,N.C.T.E . He is assisted by the Vice-Chairperson , the Member-secretary and various other officers to look after academic,regulatory and administration matters , The headquarters is mainly responsible for laying down policy guidelines , norms and standards for various teacher education programmers , conducting and promoting research and innovations in teacher education and performing various other academic functions as envisaged in section 12 of the NCTE Act and Consideration of appeals under section 18 of the NCTE Act.